cloud cover | ||
clear | over 80% of possible hours with Sun | |
partially cloudy | from 60% to 80% of possible hours with Sun | |
variable | from 40% to 60% of possible hours with Sun | |
cloudy | from 20% to 40% of possible hours with Sun | |
overcast | less than 20% of possible hours with Sun | |
Sun and fog or low clouds | ||
precipitation | ||
rain | weak - less than 5 mm | |
rain | moderate - from 5 to 10 mm | |
rain | abundant - from 10 to 30 mm | |
rain | heavy - from 30 to 100 mm | |
rain | very heavy - more than 100 mm | |
snow | weak | |
snow | moderate | |
snow | strong | |
other phenomena | ||
wind | moderate | |
wind | supported / strong | |
wind | very strong | |
breeze | ||
storm | ||
mist | ||
fog |
The reliability of the forecast is a percentage value that expresses with fairness and honesty how much the forecaster considers valid the prediction he issued, in the light of the quantity and nature of the information available to be able to process it and of the type of situation that presents itself. This information allows the user to understand how much he can trust the forecast and therefore how much he can risk by trusting it.
The legend shows, for the phenomena for which this is possible , a number that specifies better the extent to which these phenomena may arise. The typical example concerns the rainfall and snowfall , respectively divided into five and three classes of intensity.
In the consultation of tables and graphs pay attention to the different reference systems of the time:
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). Time of the reference time zone ( GMT).
CET ( Central European Time). Time in Central Europe when the Standard Time is in force ( = UTC +1).
CEST ( Central European Summer Time). Time in Central Europe during the summer, when the daylight saving time is in force ( = UTC +2).